How I have changed during the year.


2014 T4 Numeracy

We are learning to solve some addition and subtraction problems by adjusting one number to the nearest hundred.

2014 T4 CARE

§  Self-evaluate how we have gone on our CARE values of Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence.
§  Choose the value we have worked the hardest on and give a reason why we think that.
§  Choose the value we have improved the most in and give a reason why we think that.
§  Think of the value that we want to work more on during next year.


We are learning to classify materials in a variety of ways.
Here we used a Venn diagram to show what was hard and what was soft.

2014 T4 Physical Education

We are learning to …
§  play a game of “Treasure Chest” that involves running, jumping and hopping.
§  Run relays using a baton

2014 T4 Discovery

Discovery is a time when we get to opt into a variety of activities that have been set up by the teachers. We work in mixed groups of Year 1 to Year 3 children. We are allowed to choose another activity when we have finished the first one.

Each time there is a focus for that Discovery time on one of the Key Competencies of…

Making my own board game.

Playing with the lego.

Making things in origami with Miss Lee.

Just drawing.

2014 T4 Reading

We are learning to …
§  read and respond critically to short texts and extend our reading interests.
We know we have done this when…
§  we can answer comprehension questions
§  we can understand the meaning of new vocabulary and work out unknown words using the context
§  we have a good working knowledge of word structure e.g. prefixes, suffixes, syllabification

§  we can recognise homophones, synonyms, similies and onomatopoeia